Computer Diagnostic Service
We can diagnose your computer.
We can drive to your location through our On-Site Tech Support services. Alternatively, you can mail your computer to our Service Center Tech Support in Miami, Florida, and a computer technician can provide you with your computer diagnostic results. In the computer diagnostic process, you will get accurate information about the technical issues on your computer and how we can fix them. If you decide to proceed with our computer repair solutions, we will use the diagnostic fee towards the final bill. We are providing you with no risk involved. Simple Solution Tech computer technicians can diagnose your computer and provide a reliable and precise solution.
We also offer computer diagnostics services through our Remote Tech Support Service. You need an Internet connection and allow our Remote Technician remote access to your computer.
Why diagnose your computer first?
This is one of the most important steps in our computer repair process. The computer diagnostic allows our computer technicians to detect the right technical issue(s) with your computer, so you can have peace of mind that there is no other problem affecting the computer. It will show you a clear picture of the current conditions of your computer and guarantee that the service that you are getting is the right solution you will need.
The diagnostic is executed by computer technicians with certifications and decades of several technical repair solutions provided and the average time they take is between 2 to 4 hours and for most complex cases, up to 24 hours. All hardware and software components are tested to check on the current condition of your computer.
The computer diagnostic service has a fee that is only charged if no other work is performed. What that means is if you decide to repair your computer with us the computer diagnostic fee will be waived towards the final bill.